Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. Normalizing or quenching and tempering the product will reduce the degree of variation.ġ.2 This specification is intended to supplement specifications for structural steel when so specified.ġ.3 This specification does not necessarily apply to all product specifications therefore, the manufacturer or processor should be consulted for energy absorption levels and minimum testing temperatures that can be expected or supplied.ġ.4 Two frequencies of testing (P and H) are prescribed.ġ.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded as standard. The purchaser should, therefore, be aware that testing of one plate, bar, or shape does not provide assurance all plates, bars, or shapes of the same heat as processed will be identical in toughness with the product tested. The impact properties of steel can vary within the same heat and piece, be it as rolled, control rolled, or heat treated. Historical ASTM A673/A673M-07 Standard Specification for Sampling Procedure for Impact Testing of Structural Steelġ.1 This specification covers the procedure for longitudinal Charpy V-notch testing of structural steel and contains two frequencies of testing.